Tuesday, March 5, 2013

No One Sleeps on My Watch!

Today, I was teaching a math class at the high school and the students were working in groups on their papers (except for the group of boys in the back tossing a waterbottle around like a hacky sack). I had gotten distracted for awhile talking to some students in the front of class about the evils of slave trafficking in the USA, and I think some of the students noticed that I was not paying attention to the rest of the class, because halfway through class, I noticed that two boys had their heads down on their desks and appeared to be asleep. At first I was just going to ignore them and let them take a power nap, but then I decided to have some fun. At this point, I said very loudly to the whole class from the front of the room “Quiet down everyone, quiet down” (class gets real quiet) “be courteous, we have a couple students who are trying to take a nap and I don't want to wake them.” The whole class started laughing and the two sleeping boys groggily sat up and realized they were the butt of the joke.

Quotes of the day: 

“Mr. Miller, you have the perfect face, it is seriously perfectly symmetrical when you smile.” -10th grade boy

“Are you Mormon?” -student

“Just because a person wears a tie does not mean they are Mormon” -Me addressing the entire class after the third time I had been asked if I was Mormon that day