Many people do not realize the bathroom situation in schools these days. First of all, staff are not allowed to use the student bathrooms. This would be fine except that the staff restrooms require a key to open them and there have been many times when I, as a sub, was not given a key. This has led to some very painful "holding it" for entire school days.
Even when you do have proper access to the loo, you can only go during a prep period or lunch. The only way out of this is to find another teacher to cover your class while you take your crap. Unless I luck out and have a classroom with an adjoining door to the room next door, a simple 30 second pee break that would remove all pain from my bladder becomes mission impossible.
Also, the staff restrooms are not always easy to find. They are in a different spot in every school and in some cases, it would be easier to discover the Goblet of Fire inside the labyrinth than discover the hidden location of the toilet. They could be in the hallway, staff workroom, computer lab, or even a random classroom that used to be the teachers lounge years ago but is now used for special ed...). There is one school in my district that I seriously have no clue where the staff restroom is. Seriously!
On top of all that, elementary schools are not male-friendly. Half the time that I find a staff restroom, it is only for women, so I have to keep looking. They do not have a men's room in any of the elementary schools in my district. What they do have is a male/female one-holer in a room the size of a closet. Because of this, I look forward to working in the high schools because (if they give me a key) there is a proper men's restroom. It is a hard life being a male sub in a world made for women.
I can't wait for the arrival of my portable urinal that I ordered from ebay to come in the mail...
Share about a time when you really had to go to the restroom but it was not appropriate/allowed to do so.
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