Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oops, Did I Say That?

Sometimes I wonder if the kids are even listening to me when I talk. I am pretty sure this is a common question in many teachers' heads. Luckily for me, all my doubts about how well my classes listen were proven wrong one day last month...

Sometimes, I say things to a class that a little off-the-wall. This particular day, I happened to insinuate to a class (fifth or sixth grade I think) that I lived at the nearby park with my wife and son. I believe my exact words were, "I am a hobo, and I live at Freedom Park down the street."

Now I am sure most kids knew I was joking, because they were laughing (which is the reason I said it), but about a month later, I was at that school again and walking a class down the hall, when a kid yelled at me from the end of the hall, "Hey! You're the guy that lives in the park!"
I smiled an waved, laughing to myself at how gullible kids are.

I guess I better be more careful in the future as to what I tell my classes...

What is the craziest thing you ever told a kid?

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